This is a postscript to the Bad Faith story written here ten days ago, "Notre Dame Gold Belongs on the Dome. Leave it."
Since this story was first written, a fifth Notre Dame football player has reportedly been held out of football practice and games for alleged cheating and other academic improprieties. See linked reports below.
Contrasting this record to another past administration at Notre Dame, the score now is:
Number of football players held out of football practice and games because of alleged cheating or other academic wrongdoing:
Monk Malloy, President of Notre Dame, and Lou Holtz, Head Football Coach at Notre Dame:
John Jenkins, President of Notre Dame, and Brian Kelly, Head Football Coach:
*Another player was previously suspended during this regime, so far.
Mr. Kelly apparently designated most of the gang of five heldouts, if you will, to be starters this year.
As these words are written, it is only a few hours before Notre Dame's first football game of the season. Notre Dame fans, and there are many of them including me, are fortunate that this week's opponent is Rice. If Mr. Kelly's chosen athletes do not win games, then perhaps things will change.
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