"I am aware that [a particular insurance company] is a “frequent flier” in the universe of litigated insurance coverage disputes. But each case must be judged on its own facts, not on someone's perception that [particular insurance companies] or other related companies are bad actors in general." Wahlert v. American Standard Ins. co. of Wis., No. 14-cv-02744-RBJ, 2016 WL 1222944, at *8 (D. Colo. March 29, 2016).
In this case, the District Judge dismissed a Colorado common law claim of insurer bad faith, and dismissed in part but retained in part a statutory claim for double damages plus policy benefits, attorney's fees, and costs.
Please Read The Disclaimer. ©2016 by Dennis J. Wall, author of Litigation and Prevention of Insurer Bad Faith (3d ed. Thomson Reuters West in 2 Volumes, with Supplements). All rights reserved.