Is your attention focused on the tax cuts for everybody but you? Don't miss this.
This week the leadership of the United States Senate pulled a bait and switch. Or you can say that they pulled a fast one. They lost straight up on repealing Health Care on what seems like about half a dozen votes.
What they have done now is insert a provision into a tax bill which will effectively repeal healthcare for 13 Million people in the United States. So says the Congressional Budget Office. That is the CBO's best estimate of how many people will have their healthcare taken away in order to fund the tax cuts in the bill for a couple of dozen people.
This was literally done in the dark, apparently. The Senate leadership introduced this new back-door repeal legislation in the night.
The difference between the 13 Million people on the one hand, and the couple of dozen people at most on the other hand? The couple of dozen people on the other hand have more money than all of the 13 Million people put together.
And they spend it. On the politicians who are proposing this travesty.
But they do not spend their money on the economy and they obviously do not spend their money on taxes. Instead, other people pay the taxes they do not pay. If the other people do not make up the difference, then the other people go without.
Sometimes, like the case of the bill secretly slipped into the mix by the Senate leadership, even if the other people pay their taxes they can still end up going without. In this case, that means going without health insurance that covers anything. To say again, this affects more or less 13 Million people.
Call your Members of Congress, Representatives and Senators, and let them know if you support or if you oppose the substance of this plan, and let them know too if you support or if you oppose the deceitful way it is being attempted.
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