New Section 9:14.50 contains only a part of the new material in the combined 661 pages of text excluding Tables in the 2018 Supplements to Dennis J. Wall, "Litigation and Prevention of Insurer Bad Faith" (Third Edition Thomson Reuters), in addition to sections of new material including on Force-Placed Insurance, Defenses in Force-Placed Insurance cases including the Filed Rate Doctrine, the Status of Social Security, and Settlement of First Party Bad Faith Claims including secrecy agreements and sealing orders, among others.
Section 9:14.50 is titled, "'Injury in Fact': What Happens to Bad Faith Statutes" when courts require allegations and proof of what they call "injury in fact" in the litigation of bad-faith claims?
I want to give you a link to the new Section but the publisher will not let me right now. I will ask for Thomson Reuter's copyright permission and if they agree, I will provide you the link in a following post here and on Claims and Issues Blog!
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