Election Day here in Florida is the same as in the rest of the country of course, November 6, 2018.
Unlike the rest of the country we in Florida have been given a scam, 19 proposed "amendments" to the Florida Constitution packaged together and numbered 6 through 12 (8 was thrown out by the Florida Supreme Court; it was too deceptive even for them). Count 'em as they say. That's 19 bundled, bungled amendments in the clothes of 6 packages of so-called "amendments."
They were intended to be confusing of course. That includes "Amendment 6," the so-called "Victim's Rights Amendment" which really is 3 amendments disguised as 1.
They are explained in understandable terms in a brief PowerPoint I made and converted into a YouTube video for 11 minutes and 11 seconds, The Florida Constitution: A Presentation of the Bundled Amendments on the Florida Ballot (October 2018), at https://youtu.be/Ma4Div0yXos.
Read all about these bungled amendments. Then make your mind up if you vote in Florida whether you want to vote for any one of them, or against all of them. Remember that if the 2017-2018 Constitution Revision Commission gets away with this bundling business, they will do it again next time.
And remember this also: If a single amendment is really good, they will come back with it next time. You can count on that.
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